What's bringing Stacey Abrams and Melissa Etheridge together? The power of women's music

Michelle LeClerc

Michelle strives to add context and meaning to the exponentially growing world of design. Recently served as the Creative Director at Beutler Ink, a strategic creative agency specializing in research, writing, and design. Michelle has developed design and data visualization for social justice organizations like Campaign Zero, Be a Hero, and Yale’s The Justice Collaboratory and Freedom Reads. In 2017, she created the data visualization for Elizabeth Warren’s book, This Fight is Our Fight, a #1 New York Times bestseller. In 2019, on behalf of Campaign Zero, she led the data visualization for the first police scorecard in the US, which sought to identify urgent issues surrounding police accountability and propose best-practice solutions. Michelle’s commitment to quality design extends from the office to the classroom—she teaches Infographic Design at Temple’s Tyler School of Art.


Max Original Documentary LOUDER: THE SOUNDTRACK OF CHANGE Debuts October 17